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This is the Result of Royal Processing

Thin but Stronger

In Royal Processing, our heat-treatment expansion technology, strong tension is applied to synthetic fiber rope while heating to the suitable temperature for the fiber. The fibers are then all pulled in a single direction, and fully stabilized before removing the tension.
The fibers become flexible enough to allow twisting without recoil.
This gives the rope its softness and strong shape, as well as enhanced strength.
Elongation is also dramatically reduced, and the rope itself is extremely thin. This process is possible for a wide range of synthetic ropes with added materials, and we take particular pride in the low elongation of our super fibers, where we remain a notch above the competition.
Three-strand, Cross, The Cross, and Royal Processing are combined to enable us to provide the optimum rope for each application or purpose.

Royal H (hard set) ... For low elongation and high stability
Royal S (soft set) ... For shape stability

royal the cross

This is Royal The Cross
royal the cross 5
Royal The Cross 5

Extremely Strong
No Bumps
High Abrasion Resistant
High Roundness
Lower Twist Won't Come Undone
Twist Resistant

Introducing the New 12-Strand Rope.

We have solved many of the disadvantages inherent in conventional Cross ropes, like easy crushability, large bumps, low abrasion resistance, and low strength.
And unlike conventional 12-strand ropes, the lower twist will not come undone. A much stronger rope is obtained at the same diameter because little stress is applied to the rope at the manufacturing stage. In The Cross, the balance of the tension applied to each strand is controlled with extreme precision for a malleable rope with high roundness and twist resistance.

*At Ishida Rope Manufacturing, The Cross is our 12-strand rope, and Cross is our 8-strand rope.

royal the cross lite
Royal The Cross Lite
royal the cross tetolon
Royal The Cross Polyester
royal the cross nylon
Royal The Cross Nylon
super fiber and royal the cross
Super Fiber and Royal The Cross